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National Institute of Secretariat Training & Development (NISTD)


Welcome to NISTD

NISTD mandate is to impart training to officers of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) and officers of other organized/subsidiary services functioning in the Central Secretariat. CSS officers form the backbone of the Central Government Ministries/ Departments and normally hold various positions up to the level of Joint Secretaries. The key responsibilities of the CSS officers include policy formulation, execution, monitoring and review.

NISTD also provides training support to the State Governments, Union Territory Administrations, Central Public Sector Enterprises, Autonomous Bodies and other organizations in specialized and general areas. The programmes cover induction level and functional training for officials of different service cadres and departments and covers subjects like public administration, financial management, economic development, management development, trainer development, information technology, disaster management and urban management. Well-designed and comprehensive training courses put emphasis on interactive and participatory approach. Over the years NISTD  has emerged as one of the leading training institutes in India.

NISTD also conducts Executive Development Programme (EDP) for officers of the level of Deputy Secretary and above of the Government of India. The areas covered are Financial Management, Management Principles, Good Governance, Knowledge Management, Behavioral Techniques and Cabinet Note Preparation in order to orient them towards effective service delivery in the Central Government. NISTD have designed In-house training with excellent and experienced faculty (well known in their fields internationally & nationally).

 Some other activities of NISTD include undertaking research studies, providing consultancy services and development of trainers in training techniques. The Institute also organizes workshops/seminars for SAARC and Commonwealth countries and conducts International Training of Trainers Programme.